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    Dash Black Chrome

Thank you for your recent request for information on where to find Black Chrome. If you are unsuccessful finding this product locally you can order directly from the factory. The procedure is as follows:

Send us a letter stating that you want to purchase T-350A Black Chrome. The unit cost is $3.31 plus $1.50 for UPS postage and handling ($3.00 for orders exceeding 3 bottles). Send us your check and letter to:

Turtle Wax, Inc.
5655 W. 73rd St.
Chicago, IL 60638
Attn: Customer Service
Your product will be sent within two to three weeks.

May we also suggest trying Formula 2001 Super Protectant with Sun Stop.

Thank you for your interest in Turtle Wax.


Valerie Karbarz
Turtle Wax Sales Department